Friday, July 8, 2011

buat diri aku

after one everything is going fine..^^,
hopefully after this both of us will always get bless from our parent...
we need to be patient about 2 or 3 year more...let gone be by gone..
what we need to do now is keep going work hard for our relationship n need to fight for it.
hope ALLAH SWT will give us a way to become better person/muslim...
to all,hopefully everyone support me n pray for us......tq..=_=

Thursday, July 7, 2011


new perfume!!!!

baru beli smalam on 7 july 2011 at sunway pyramid.....
buat ptma kalinya aq beli mgunakan own time nk kna beli hp pulak sbb hp sony aq hlg!!!sgt jht btl pengambil hp least boleh tpon no kt dlm hp x...xpasal2 kna bli hp laen..sgt stress..bru egt nk kmpl duet..huuuu....
ape pn tgok perfume pon bley wat saket hti aq psl hp hlg.....^^,chill owez...

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


nampak x sume sme saiz??anak n menantu sume same saiz....

holalala...lme xupdate blog disebabkan kpenatan n kebizian yg sgt2....demi abg yg sume dah settle tp xsmpt nk shoot outdoor sbb rmai giler kwn abg aq yg dtg.....besok bru nk bt..demi abg sume aq sggup harus tingkatkan prestasi aq dlm mghasilkan karya bersama baby bru...(7D..^^,) ase mcm nk follow anyone yg wat wedding la spya aq dpt blajar byk pkra lg....ade sesape x yg sudi bawak aq??hahahha...btw,aq nk wish SELAMAT PENGANTIN BARU BUAT MIZAN N FARAH....smga hdp korg pasni lbh brmkna n lbh di berkati n dipanjgkan jodoh slma2nya...AMIN.......

Monday, May 16, 2011


msg2 mmpunyai pilihan msg2..ade pulak yg mmilih utk myakitkan hti org laen
sdgkan perkara mcm tu blh di elak..

korg sakit hati x bile ade org mnuduh korg "terhegeh2" kt org tu??
sakit tol hye ALLAH je yg thu

but ape2 pon we need to be professional owez.. right...??
peace owez^^,

"insan yg berhati mulia insyaallah akan di balas mulia oleh ALLAH kelak..insyaallah.."

Saturday, May 14, 2011

always in mind


time ni mcm nk g antaw rombongan kawen je...(apit pye rombongan...)

kitorg comelkan??...(owez comel...^^,)

momok2 ex clasmate aq..meriahkan..

nampak sgt pakai hp je.....=DD

comelnye sume..(perasan.....haha..)

sume cam model..stoilee..=)


tak sangka study diploma dah hbes.rase mcm skejap tulah yg di alami skrg berjauhan dgn kwn2.rase boring.selalu g jenjalan...(perabeh duet..^^,)

ni yg dikatakan alhamdulillah smuanya dah berakhir.hahahha....xsabar nk msuk dgree pulak..dgn kos yg bru yg blm pasti aq dpt ke x n boleh bwk ke harap2 aq dpt bwk dgn jayanya....amin..

aq ade sbb aq yg tersendiri knp aq xsmbg photo..biarlah aq je yg thu ape sbbnye..hope sume clasmate aq time diploma dlu dapat success dlm idop korg sume.blm terlambat lg untuk aq mintak maaf kt korg smua dr hjg rambut smpi hjg jari kaki seandainya aq penah myakiti hati sesiapa dlm xsedar.manusia biasa melakukan ksilapan...

to dede,kiah,nurul,syera,alia,diba,kak ros,aishah,apit,saher,usop,cinpeng,cr,bob,mirul,ragay...always wishing all of u
ape yg aq boleh kate korg smua sgt happening,wat aq hepy...(gelak mcm nk pecah perot...) always support each other yg pntg...UNITE!!!!
korg mmg terbaek...hopefully phbungan kite smua xkan mati mcm tu je evntough msg2 dah bz dgn karier msg2..kte need to spend our time mcm dlu..gather..

lastly...DADB CANGGIH!!!

xlupe jgak bt all the lecturer yg all out give ilmu kt ktrg thx a lot.hope maafkan seandainya ade slh silap,tkasar bhasa n so on,hopefully di maafkan ye...sob..sob....;((....
doakan ktrg smua yg terbaek..doa seorg lect adalah pntg bg pljar..(egt tuhhh...)
thx a lot..;DD

Monday, April 11, 2011

x tahu nk mula macam mane...

assalamualaikum..salam pembuka bicara kpd smua..hahahaha...this is the first time aq bt blog..satu perasaan yg lol!!..
memandangkan aq stat dr pat6,so terlalu byk sgt perkara yang nk kena tulis..smuanya memori yang best n stoileee..^^,
ini baru permulaan..nt ade mase aq update lg ye...syg korang sume!!!!